
This example allows you to walk through the features of Camunda Platform guided by a simple invoice process.

Get started with the example by logging into the camunda Tasklist using the credentials demo:demo.

Available Personas

The following logins are provided by the show case and can be used to play around with the invoice process:

Username Password Groups
demo demo Sales, Accounting, Management
john john Sales
mary mary Accounting
peter peter Management

Async Continuation Demo

This process allows you to experiment with asychronous continuations:

  1. Start a new instance of the Invoice Receipt process.
  2. Log into cockpit. Select an instance of the Invoice Receipt process.
  3. Add a variable named shouldFail to the process and set it to true
  4. Using the tasklist, make the process advance to the Archive Invoice service task.
  5. Back to cockpit, you see an Incident which has been created for the service task.
  6. Set the value of the variable shouldFail to false and increment the retries of the failed job. As a result, the process instance is completed.